Captivate with Live Video: Sparking Engagement Like Never Before

Live video has the potential to be an incredibly powerful tool

Miller Bolo
5 min readJun 17, 2024
Photo by Ivan Samkov on Pexels

Have you ever experienced the disappointment of going live on your favorite platform, only to be met with the deafening silence of an empty virtual room? Ouch.

Live video has the potential to be an incredibly powerful tool — a space to connect with your audience in real-time, share valuable content, and build a thriving community. But let’s be honest, it can also feel a bit like standing on a stage with zero spotlights.

The good news? Engagement isn’t some mystical social media fairy dust. Here’s the secret: it’s all about creating a conversation, fostering a sense of community, and — dare we say — a little bit of audience training.

Training Your Tribe: From Chaos to Community

Getting engagement is about training your audience.

Uuh! sounds harsh, doesn’t it?

What I mean is that, no one wants to think that they’re trainable like a dog, but it is the reality of growing a loyal audience. And that’s not a bad thing at all.

It provides you with:

  • Structure
  • Open up possibilities for participation
  • Banish the chaos of a free-for-all chatroom.

Here’s a simple example: Let’s say you host Q&A sessions. Instead of getting bombarded with random comments, you can “train” your audience to prefix their questions with a “Q”. This method aids in efficiently recognizing questions and maintaining a focused discussion.

However, training goes beyond that simple example. It’s can delve deeper into fostering an active community. You must boldly encourage engagement.

Photo by Ron Lach on Pexels

The Power of the Specific Ask

We’ve all seen the generic “What do you guys think?” questions. Here’s the thing: generic questions get generic responses (or worse, silence).

Instead, be specific! For example, if you’re discussing social media algorithms, ask “Do you agree or disagree that algorithms are designed to make content discovery more difficult?”

Asking a specific question sparks debate, gets people thinking, and encourages them to share their opinions.

Engagement: It’s a Buffet, Not a Bland Snack

Engagement comes in many flavors, and the key is to cater to a variety of preferences. Here’s the breakdown:

  • Commenting: Likes are great, but comments are gold! Encourage discussion by asking open-ended questions, responding to comments thoughtfully, and fostering a back-and-forth conversation.
  • Likes & reactions Likes and reactions are a quick and easy way for viewers to show they’re paying attention. Spice things up by asking for specific reactions — a heart tap for agreement, a “thinking face” for pondering a question, and so on.
  • Sharing: Make it easy for viewers to share your live video with their friends and networks. This is a fantastic way to expand your reach and attract new viewers.

The Snowball Effect: How Engagement Breeds Engagement

The beauty of engagement is that it builds on itself. The more you encourage participation, the more comfortable your audience becomes with interacting. It’s a snowball effect — eventually, lively conversations erupt organically, and new viewers pick up on the infectious energy.

Different Levels of Engagement

Here are some additional tips to take your live streams from good to great:

  • Easy Wins: It is a fantastic way to get your audience started with engaging. So, how do you go about it? Start with questions that are easy to answer, like “Where are you tuning in from today?” or “Do you prefer ketchup or mustard?” These “low-hanging fruit” questions get the conversation flowing and warm viewers up to participate further.
  • Meaningful Engagement: This is like getting through the first awkward minutes of a first date. Here is when you move beyond surface-level questions. Ask your audience about their struggles, challenges, and areas where they seek guidance related to your topic. This is a great example of more meaningful engagement. Get them to write more than a single word or phrase, and not only will the algorithm benefit you, you’ll also create more loyal viewers. This sparks deeper conversations and fosters a sense of connection.
  • Community Conversations: Now, this is where you flip the engagement from directed at you to where your community. The community gets to help, learn and joke around with each other. Let’s say someone asks a question and you don’t have a good answer for them. You can say, “You know what, I don’t think I’m the right person to answer that, but I know our audience is full of super smart people.” “Hey, does anyone have a resource for Greg that you can share in the comments?” See someone answer another viewer’s question? Give them a shout-out! This encourages viewers to help each other out and builds a sense of camaraderie.

The Human Touch: Your Secret Weapon

As a brand, you may think you need to stay professional and stay on-brand. But you really need to do is be human. Get personal.

When you talk about your personal life along with your business, people with connect with you on a deeper level. That leads to more comments, more sales, and more loyalty long-term.

Bonus Tip: Tap into Audience Trigger

What are audience trigger?

Audience triggers are purely conversation pieces that may or may not have anything to do with the content or the value that you promise your audience.

Ever notice how conversations light up when someone mentions their dog or their favorite childhood snack? That’s the power of audience triggers!

These are conversation starters that tap into the human element, like food, pets, or funny childhood experiences. Weave them into your live streams to spark engagement and create a more relaxed atmosphere.

Remember: Live video is about connection. By incorporating these tips, you can transform your live streams from ghost towns into thriving communities, build genuine relationships with your audience, and watch your engagement soar. So, ditch the monologue.

There you have it folks.

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Miller Bolo

| Founder & CEO| Digital Marketer| Startup Enthusiast| Social Media Manager | I help brands grow their online presence through digital marketing.