How To Build Your Brand Your Audience Will Love

Miller Bolo
An Idea (by Ingenious Piece)
4 min readApr 6, 2022


In the world of business, building a brand to what people can trust and believe in takes time and energy. A brand’s job is to make a difference in the life of a customer. A brand doesn’t create trust, it earns it.

Now, for your brand to earn that trust you have to do something about it. You earn trust through creation, expression, activation and sharing methods on how you help people. When you design the experience of how your audience should feel, and by making that feeling so compelling that they invest their time, energy and money, then it will make you continue even through the hard times.

Here are some of the ways on how to build your brand your audience will love.

1. Get Confident about What You Know

Every brand has a story behind it, some very fascinating while others are not fancy. Brands that walk into the market with enthusiasm and make a difference, must have worked hard to reach there.

“That’s what happens when entrepreneurs are confident and believe in their vision.”

The thing that sets them apart and makes their brand really unique is their story.

So, how much of your story draws attention to potential customers?

First, your brand must give a different vibe from what’s already in the market (if it not a new product or service). Now, it’s very possible that there are numerous businesses within you niche. If you don’t have any idea, you can do some creative research and find out who is popping up in your space. What do their aesthetics look like? How do they communicate to their customers?

Remember, for you to make a name for yourself, you must not copy what your competitors are doing. You don’t want to be someone else.

They say that small businesses usually have this idea about something and want everybody to like it right away.

That may not be true, but you really won’t know for sure until you launch the idea. That’s why how you do marketing will determine people’s reaction to your product or service. The best marketing allows people to understand how you can help them. If you do that right, you can start to build a brand that is known to be trusted and credible in the eye of the consumer.

2. Have A Clearly Communicated Story

As people, as businesses, and in our relationships we communicate in our day-to-day lives to pass a message. And behind this communication, we have stories told in different ways.

However, in business how the story is communicated is important. So it has to be clear.

Storytelling is the helm of conveying your brand purpose. Businesses with a purpose will ultimately stand out and capture consumer’s hearts and wallets.

Many businesses have failed to grasp the art of storytelling in the manner that is clear, effective and captives the minds of customers. But it all boils down to them not having a strong marketing communication strategy.

Here the thing. If you want to achieve that, you have to start thinking of developing a marketing strategy that’s under a story. By that, I mean for every piece of content you’re producing it should ideally have an intention, a value proposition that feeds up to and supports the business overarching vision.

“The resonance and relevance of the messenger’s story enables that connection with our audience and makes it more likely for the audience to choose our brand.”-Jennifer Kem

Remember, our different stories make our brand unique, and there is no such thing as unique message, only unique messengers.

3. Tell Your Story As You Build Your Brand

Understanding your audience reaction to your brand will massively depend on the kind of feedback you get. It means that you have to communicate your message and wait for feedback.

Which is why when telling your stories; you should be very strategic. If you’re expecting results; ask yourself: how does my story bridge to what I want the audience to take action on?

Begin by casting your stories with intentionality and deliberation. But while doing that, give yourself time to look at what works where, when and how people reacts. In the end, you’ll be building your story bank through telling a story, and then linking it to a “call to action.”

Just remember, as you’re building your brand and telling stories: every single brand started small. Again, not every business is a brand, but a brand has a business behind it generally.

In a nutshell, not everyone will be happy about your brand. In every attempt of building your brand, do what works with your product or service, you’ll get what you’ve always aspired.


To build a brand might not be easy, but it gets easier if you understand your potential customer’s needs. So, you must have your marketing strategy on point right from the start. Tell your brand story like it is to resonate with the customers’ feedback, and inch by inch, eventually your efforts will pass off.

Originally published at on April 6, 2022.



Miller Bolo
An Idea (by Ingenious Piece)

| Founder & CEO| Digital Marketer| Startup Enthusiast| Social Media Manager|